Harman Singh
Smart Cities Lead
GHD Digital
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Harman is the Smart Cities Lead at GHD Digital and works with senior stakeholders for GHD’s strategic clients to lead the development of innovative solutions  for smart infrastructure to improve the overall quality of life in our communities, to navigate complex business issues and facilitate change, with the goal to achieve sustainable growth in today's competitive business environment. Harman brings with him over 22 years of global experience in executive and management roles with various technology-related businesses in the US, Dubai, India and Australia. In the past, he served as the Chief Digital Officer at Brady Family of Companies in the US, where he led the organisation to be awarded the “Most Innovative Workplace” in North Carolina in 2017.

Harman holds an MBA from London Business School and is a regular speaker on smart technologies, applied innovation and digital transformation. He serves as the Secretary of the Board for Australian Smart Communities Association (ASCA), a Vice-Chair on the board of Our Future Cities and sits on Standards Australia’s committee for Smart City Systems to foster the development of standards and sharing of best practices in the ever-evolving space of smart and sustainable cities.